My name is Addison Rex and I am a Cellar Rat: Located at the bottom of the winery food chain. But just like the food chain of Mother Nature, us little guys are indispensable. Most people love to romanticise winemaking but the fact is that a lot of it is dirty, sticky, and repetitive. Somebody has to do the tough jobs of cleaning the barrels and tanks, doing all of the daily tasks that a quality wine requires. And all of that hard work that goes into making a bottle of wine is, at the end of the day, what really gives a wine its character.
A little bit about me: I've always grown up with wine on the table. Over time I developed, like so many others, a passion for the craft, culture and of course, wine itself. After high school I was accepted into California Polytechnic University where I choose a concentration in Oenology in their Wine and Viticulture major program. Several years later at Easter dinner, Robert Rex, master winemaker, founder of Deerfield Ranch Winery and my uncle, leaned across the table and asked: "So when are you going to come learn how to make wine from me?" And so, four months later here I am: About to embark on what I hope to be a successful career as a winemaker. I've got a lot to learn but I am lucky to have the opportunity to learn from the very best. So join me as I join the crew of Deerfield and set out to learn everything there is to know about making world-class wine. Salut!