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Quirks With Corks

A lot of wine writers have spoken about the ongoing debate regarding how best to keep wine in a bottle but I thought that I would chime in with my two cents. Corks, to me, are synonymous with wine. What are the first images conjured in your mind’s eye when the word wine is mentioned? For me it’s usually a wineglass or a bottle filled with the wonderful stuff. That bottle in my imagination is invariably accompanied by a cork – that most unique creation of nature, perfectly adept at maintaining and aging wine in an almost symbiotic relationship. I think it’s reasonable to say that the connotations we have and the associations we make are based often on tradition. So wine, a substance whose entire life span, from creation to consumption, is governed by tradition, has even stronger mental associations then most things. If you went to a fancy restaurant in North Beach and your wine was served to you in a pint glass I doubt you’d shrug, assume that they were just trying to be trendy and sip. No. You, being the gracious person that you are, would politely ask your server if perhaps they had a normal wine glass available. Sure, there are plenty of reasons that a wine glass is shaped the way it is: So that the wine is directed to the most suitable spot on your tongue; so that when you hold it your hand does not affect the temperature of the wine; so that your grubby fingerprints don’t mar the surface of the glass… But that’s not why you send the pint glass back. You do it because it’s just wrong. Now this conservative point of view might seem at odds with the California anything-goes attitude and approach to winemaking. I believe though, that that viewpoint doesn’t come from a sort of dogma which asserts that tradition is inherently stifling, but rather from a perspective of “Hey, if this really does work better then why the heck not use it?” If you show me a wine closure today that is superior to a natural cork in every way then I would be on board and gung-ho about it. But the fact is that insofar it looks as though we got it right the first time. In the 1600s, when glass bottles started to come into wide use, a clever man named Dom Perignon rediscovered the use of cork as a natural stopper and modern science has yet to better it. It allows the wine to breathe at a remarkably apt rate. It keeps the wine clean – as Robert says it acts like a “magnet for off flavors”. And from the beginning of the industry, the production of cork serves as a remarkable example of sustainable agriculture as the cork is harvested from the outer layers of the bark of Quercus suber  (which is actually good for the tree) leaving it to grow back. In fact, the only threat to the cork trees comes from the decline of the cork industry due to a rise in synthetic and alternative closures. While companies that manufacture synthetic corks made from plastic tout that their product is 100% recyclable, they often forget to add the footnote that that statistic is only true if the cork makes it to the recycling plant. Deerfield uses natural cork on all of our wines, except for one vintage of Sauvignon Blanc where we decided to dabble with Zorks (which are pretty neat actually) and I hear it from Robert that we aim to keep it that way. Cork surely has its drawbacks but until some mind blowing revolution occurs in the future I’ll look forward each time to that satisfying pop rather than the crack of a screwcap.

Also Robert recently added his opinion on natural cork to the public forum. It can be found on Deerfield's Facebook page.

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  • Response
    Response: coach 長夾
    http://www.coac coach 慘叫聲隨處可聞!疾風之狼三人已經離開了那片森林,步步為營,依靠四周的天然掩體做掩護,迅速向環形山東南側挺進。 coach 自然不 coach官網 會從環形山入口這種遍布魔族軍士兵的境界地帶大搖大擺地進去。幾經偵查, coach 長夾 發現東南側的魔族軍防禦較為薄弱,如果從那裡滲透的話,成功率相對較高。當 coach 長夾 靠近一片激戰過的地區時,見得地上死狀慘不忍睹的人類士兵和伊特拉姆戰士,不禁握緊了武器,要吃咬得咯咯作響。 不用說,疾風之狼和E coach 長夾 t
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    Response: nike
    維爾斯一動不動:這其中有什麼簡捷的辦法麼?一定有的,獨龍未必就 new balance 比 new balance 聰明,他能做到的事情, 紐巴倫鞋 就一定能夠做到。嗯……可惜這是什麼呢?被忽視了的瑪麗婭很憤怒,她咬 new balance 慢跑鞋 了咬牙,面容突然變得嫵媚起來。想想柏麗平常那風情萬種的樣子,她就拿著柏麗的神態照著學了起來:哦!她輕輕的解開了衣帶——簡捷算法一定是有的,只是獨龍這個該死的東西他不肯告訴 紐巴倫鞋 ! +,這裡面似乎有可以利用的地方,不對啊!要是這樣的話前面的公式可就不成立了。這裡面一定有什麼不對的地 紐巴倫鞋 方!維爾斯用力的撕
  • Response
    Response: nike roshe run
    不過我告訴你飛來燕沒有死,而那個金表的主人也沒有死去。鍾先生沒有死?還記得那 nike air max 座山崖嗎?那山腰處有一塊突出的地方,我就在那兒將金表的主人救出的,所以你們妄想在 n nike ike air max 中國取走任何一件不屬於你們的東西!你們現在妄想從這裡逃出去,你帶來的所有人除了這穿紅衣的和穿金色衣的,全部已經被緝拿了,什麼金剛不壞之身,還不是照樣被 jordan籃球鞋 破去罩門。 不料此時那個紅衣忍者卻趁著藤田剛分神,一個閃身奪過藤田手中的所謂真龍鼎,然後一掌將藤田推向畢成這邊。藏乃君,你,你想幹什麼 jordan籃球鞋 ?藤
  • Response
    Response: 愛迪達慢跑鞋
      足足過去了五分鐘之後,許久久突然盯視向霍雨浩道:如果Adidas 一脚蹬大量訂貨,也不能優惠嗎?六級魂導器的價格她清楚的很。鏡紅塵哈哈一笑,道:那是當然,你們史萊克學院出來的精英一定會在明德堂得到最好的教學。。貝貝搖了搖頭,道:我也不知道。聽南水水前輩說,雨浩當時說是有什麼特別重要的事情要去做。做完就回來。他應該是能夠猜到星斗大森林這邊會有所行動。以他的聰明,就算是受到了秋兒之死的打擊,也應該會第一時間趕回來才對。我估計,他應該是有什麼辦法來幫助我們對抗獸潮了。言院長,這件事,Adidas
  • Response
    Response: Nike Air Max 90
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  • Response
    Response: Nike huarache
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  • Response
    Response: Nike Air Max 90
    NIKE 連珠暴雨一般再次轟鳴,結罩依然堅固如斯!然後再次出動一組人清剿冰鏡。如此迴圈下,O NIKE akley們完美地擊潰了幾乎所有的冰鏡。幾個散落的冰鏡茫然地飄忽著向遠方飛去。天邪教中的一個人大笑道:***什麼東西,老大還說如何如何難對付,叫偏光太陽 Oakley 眼鏡們千萬別惹上去,現在一番打擊,這些東西也不過如此!冰宮仙子永遠都一副冰山摸樣,說道:偏光太陽眼鏡們要糟糕了! 冰宮仙子繼續說道:這些只是最外圍的冰鏡,裡面的冰鏡的實力會漸漸加強,越是往裡面越強,最後便是冰鏡仙子。太陽眼鏡們狂妄地攻 太陽眼鏡 擊
  • Response
    Response: jordan 11
    NIKE 尉三民就覺得說有事也不合適,說沒事也不大對,畢竟拉攏原小生給他說話,不是什麼光彩事,又嘿嘿笑了兩聲道:也 NIKE 沒什麼事兒,就是好長時間沒有在一塊坐了,想跟���l坐坐。原小生明知尉三民並不是簡單地想坐坐,卻故意道:那好吧,咱們到g- ���l shock���l辦公室。尉三民急忙拉了原小生的手道:原主人,咱們……還是重新找個地方吧。陳主任在,不大方便。 原小生一本正經道:CASIO �پW們談g-shock���l們的事情,陳主任難道還會幹涉不成?尉三民也弄不明白原小生到底是什麼意 CASIO �پW 思
  • Response
    Response: Nike Cortez
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    Response: Nike Free run
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  • Response
    Response: Nike Zoom
    媽,現在那xiǎo子被帶到警局去了,asics童鞋都給老爸打了 asics童鞋 電話,老爸說他會處理。曾建哭訴道,媽,老爸這件事要是處理不好,你直接把那xiǎ 亞瑟士 o子nòng死吧!當著asics 官方網的面nòng死!哎喲,老媽,asics 官方網牙齒痛!牙齒掉了,asics 官方網以後怎麼勾引nv人!紅姐安慰了自己的寶貝兒子一陣,然後滿臉yīn霾的掛了電話。那個和尚慧遠笑眯眯的道,阿彌陀佛,善哉善哉,xiǎo紅,有人在太歲頭上動土? 要不,和尚出手,替xiǎo紅主持公道?慧遠,這件事 asics 官方網 你暫時不要管。先讓亞瑟士那
  • Response
    Response: Kobe
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  • Response
    Response: Nike Air Max
    孫興華的做法,就仿佛在蔣校長心臟上面捅了一刀。 n nike sock dart ike sock dart 去給何應欽發電,以軍委會的名義,取消孫興華前線總指揮的職務,另外二十三路軍總指揮的職務也一併取消。蔣 nike 慢跑鞋 校長惡狠狠的說著。王世和愣了一下,不知道該怎麼辦了。 kobe 知道蔣校長說的是氣話,但是如果 kobe 不執行的話,恐怕蔣校長一定會動手的。還愣著乾什麼。蔣校長站了起來,大聲的咆哮著。 恰好碰到了從外面走進來的陳佈雷,看到陳佈雷之後,王世和總算是鬆了一口氣,如果說誰能夠在蔣校長氣頭上面敢說不同意見,那麼只有陳佈 kobe 雷
  • Response
    Response: jordan 11
    那大漢在蠻獸向前撞時,CASIO,並未閃避,而是再次將獸骨高高舉起,猛然劈向蠻獸前撞的腦袋。這次獸骨前端發出的白光顯然要濃烈的多,白光在蠻獸撞到大漢之前再次 CASIO 劈在蠻獸的腦袋上。蠻獸發出一聲凄厲的慘叫,腦袋一偏,兩隻前沖的前腿一軟,巨大的身軀轟然倒地,真氣塵土無數,倒地的 CASIO 手錶 身軀滑出二十餘丈。那大漢早在蠻獸倒地的瞬間已閃在一旁,手裡獸骨隨意拖著。 那大漢並不管倒在一旁的蠻獸,CASIO 手錶,只是將目光望向尋道子。尋道子拖著木棒大步走向那大漢,來到距大漢約五丈的地方站定,打了個稽首道:貧道乃尋道 g-shock 子
  • Response
    Response: Nike Free run
    下山,回暴風城!於風舞仍舊迴首相府,白雪仍舊回她的隱居地,虛衍要尋找一處靜養,連冥無缺的比武都不會出現。冥無缺帶著血獠煞回了子爵府,子爵府一切無 手錶 事,狂獅依舊處於昏迷之中。僅僅兩日,兩眼通紅的姬別仿佛瘦了好幾斤,見到冥無缺時,手錶先是複雜一笑,接著歡喜一笑。冥無缺集了點頭道:成了 CASIO 官網 。那太好了,距離g-shock手錶父親的理想又近了一步。 臨走之前,姬別猶豫了一會兒。道:CASIO 官網告訴你一件事情你不要生氣。冥無缺皺起眉頭,道:你說吧,g-shock手錶不生氣。扣扣又離家出走了,這幾日父親 g-shock手錶 也
  • Response
    Response: nike新款
    Nike air max,流光的劍體,透著一抹懾人的鋒芒,與人間界如今 Nike air max 這個年代所能打造出來的劍,有著太大的區別。這樣的長劍,吹毛斷發,斬金切玉。自是不在話下。特別是當那抹鋒芒縮放出來的時候,髮毛 Nike air force 不用觸及發體,直接被這透體而出的鋒芒銳氣給劃成了兩截。武威伸指一彈長劍,笑道:好劍。接著便在三人恨恨的目光下,收起了長劍扔進指環空間之中。 可別忘了, Nike air force 殺你們易如反掌,若是殺了你們再奪寶的話,你們覺得 Nike roshe run 得到的會比現在少嗎?三人直接低下頭去 Nike roshe run ,
  • Response
    Response: Roshe Run
    沈紅星笑著說道:行啦,今天老闆asics童鞋有空,asics 官方網找人去把咱們的網路游戲建一個伺服器端,然後咱們 asics童鞋 公司內部聯網先玩兒 亞瑟士 一下。斯拜科特一聽沈紅星的話,那是眼睛都亮了。因為作為一個堂堂的游戲公司員工,他們能不玩自己做的游戲麽?說真的,他們在游戲基本做成了之後,不管是美工還是文案還是程式員,那都是全部轉職成為了游戲測試員,也就是第一批的超級內測玩家,他們所有人都要齊裝上陣的測試游戲到底有多少bug— asics 官方網 —是的,在這個debug的流程裡面,從來沒有【有沒有bug】的問題,而是【有多少bug】的
  • Response
    Response: cheap air max
    Chronicles Of A Deerfield Cellar Rat - Cellar Rat Blog - Quirks With

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